Breathing Activities for Students
There are many ways to practice controlled breathing. Here, you'll find many options for breathing activities for students to try!
The Basics
Just Breathe
Place your hand on your heart.
Breathe deeply for 3-5 breaths.
Keep your hand on your heart as you breathe.
Breath Awareness
Sit upright in a chair with both feet on the floor.
Place one hand on your belly and the other on your chest.
Inhale through your nose to the count of 2.
On the first count, inhale into your belly.
On the second count, inhale into your chest.
Exhale for a count of 2, first from your belly and then from your chest.
Breathing Activities

Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth as you pretend to smell your favorite flower.

Take a long, deep breath through the nose, and exhale out of your mouth as you make a hissing sound.

Like a bear sleeping in hibernation, inhale through the nose for a count of 3, pause for a count of 2, and then exhale out of the nose for a count of 3.

Take 3 quick bunny sniffs in through the nose, and then one long exhale out of the nose.

Place both hands on your belly, take 3 slow deep breaths in and out while you feel your hands moving.

Sit with your feet flat on the floor and think of a relaxing color. Breathe in that color for a count of 3 or 4, from you feet all the way to the top of your head. Exhale slowly for a count of 3 or 4.

Take a deep breath and inhale for a count of 6. While inhaling, reach your arms up over your head. Exhale slowly for a count of 6.

Do the thumbs up sign with your arms reached out, then trace the infinity sign in the air with your thumb. Watch your thumb with your eyes as you take deep breaths.

Place your hand on your heart. Breathe deeply for a count of 3-5, while keeping your hand on your heart. Exhale slowly.

Sit tall with a partner back-to-back. One begins inhaling deeply and slowly, while the other tries to sync their breathing with their partner.

Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Dangle arms in front like elephant's trunk. Breathe in through your nose, and raise your elephant's trunk high over your head. Swing your trunk down as you exhale.

Sit comfortably and imagine you are holding a bubble wand. Breathe in deeply, then breathe out and gently blow bubbles into the room.

Sit comfortably, place your hands around your mouth as if you were about to blow up a balloon. Take a deep breath in through your nose, slowly exhale through your mouth, spread your hands out like you are blowing up a big balloon.

Sit comfortably. Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose. Roll your shoulders backwards. Breathe slowly out through your mouth, while rolling your shoulders forward.

Sit comfortably, and gently put the tip of your finger in your ears and close your eyes. Breathe in through your nose and, as you exhale, hum quietly.